
At W&D Finance, we are committed to providing you with competitive investment solutions that cater to your specific requirements. With a strong performance record, we offer investment options for both the short and long term.

Working closely with you, we can develop, implement and manage investment strategies tailored to you, your family or your business’s requirements, with no minimum investment required on some of our products and no fees or charges applied.

Term Investments

We offer a range of attractive term investments from 31 days to three years. Depending on your chosen investment term, interest accrual occurs either monthly, quarterly or on maturity.

Fixed Term Investments:

Grow your Wealth with W&D

5.75% for 12 months 5.50% for 24 or 36 months

Contact us to learn more about our Term Investment Accounts
and take the first steps towards a brighter future. 
T&Cs apply. Interest paid monthly, quarterly or on maturity.

 Available accounts


Gold Account – 5.5% p.a.

Interest paid monthly or quarterly

9 Month Term Investment

Minimum investment amount $50,000 

iSaver Account – 3.75% p.a.  

Interest paid monthly – compounded 

Deposits can be made at any time

Withdrawals are permitted May & November ONLY

No minimum balance

Cash Management Account- 4.25% p.a.

Interest paid half-yearly

Deposits can be made at any time

Minimum 31 days notice required for ALL withdrawals

Minimum balance $50,000, balances under $50,000 will revert to 31 Day Saver Interest rate

SMSF 31 Day Notice Account - 5.00% p.a.

Interest paid half yearly

Deposits can be made at any time

Minimum 31 days notice required for ALL withdrawals

No minimum balance



This is not a bank product it is an unlisted secured note. No independent assessment has been made about the risk to investors losing any of their principal investment. Applications for unlisted secured notes can only be made on the application form which accompanies the prospectus issued by W&D Finance. Please read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to make an investment.


Why invest with W&D Finance?

Since 1966, W&D Finance has been successfully working in real estate financing and asset management. During this time, we have never defaulted on a payment of principal or interest to an investor.

Raising funds from investor through the issue of W&D Secured Notes (outlined in the prospectus), W&D lends these funds while securing them with registered mortgages over real properties, primarily located in Victoria. W&D also explores investment opportunities allowed by the Trust Deed.

W&D’s profits primarily stem from the difference between its average interest rate on mortgage loans and the investment of its liquid funds. This difference, often referred to as its profit margin, contributes significantly to its financial success. This model allows W&D to strike a balance between its earnings and the rate of interest paid to Secured Note holders.

Are there any upfront charges or fees for investing?

There are no investment entry fees.

What’s the minimum and maximum investment amounts?

We are happy to accept a low initial investment of $500.00 during the currency of this Prospectus for fixed-term investments.

Who can invest?

Investments can be opened in single or joint names, or in the names of partnerships, superannuation funds, trusts, deceased estates, businesses, companies and other incorporated/unincorporated bodies. Investments for trusts and superannuation funds should be opened in the name(s) of the trustee(s)

Is there a choice of terms available?
You are able to invest with us on fixed terms ranging from 1 month to 36 months.

How do I begin?

Simply complete the Investment Application Form included in or accompanying this Prospectus and, together with your cheque, either mail it to us or lodge it at either of the Company’s registered offices. New investors will also need to provide sufficient identification. Please contact the Company to enquire about our current identification requirements. Funds can also be transferred electronically upon approval of completed Investment Application Form and identification requirements.

How safe is W&D to invest in?
Webster Dolilta Finance Limited is not rated for credit risk by a Credit Agency (like Moody’s). Webster Dolilta Finance Limited commenced operations in 1966. Our Company utilises Secured Note holders’ money in several ways: We lend on first mortgage, and we endeavour to hold a minimum of 20% of our funds in cash with major Banks on Term Deposit and Cash Management accounts. The Company is audited twice yearly, and our Audited financials are sent to ASIC (Australian Securities Investment Commission) and Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited in Melbourne for perusal to ensure our operations meet laid down procedures. We also forward quarterly directors’ reports to the same bodies.

How secure is my money and can I lose my money?
While there is a risk that principal may be lost we can advise that Webster Dolilta Finance Limited commenced operations in 1966. Since our inception no investor has ever lost money with us! We believe that our prudent lending policies and the fact that we lend within a specific geographic area reduces our exposure to financial distress.

The company is audited twice yearly and our Audited financials are sent to ASIC (Australian Securities Investment Commission) and to Melbourne Securities Corporation Limited in Melbourne for perusal to ensure our operations meet laid down procedures. We also forward quarterly directors reports to the same bodies.

How will I know you have accepted my investment?
We will forward a “Certificate of Investment Stock” to you as soon as reasonably practicable and in any event within one month of receipt of application moneys.

How is interest paid?

Interest on “Savings” accounts will be credited to the account. Interest on fixed-term investments may be added to the investment, credited to a “Savings” account with Webster Dolilta Finance Limited, or transferred directly to another financial institution.

How is interest calculated?

Interest is calculated on the balance of your investments on a daily basis from the date of receipt of your application moneys.

When is interest payable?

Interest is paid in arrears on “Savings” accounts on the 15th day of May and November each year. Interest on fixed term investments is paid in arrears and in accordance with the conditions on the term of the account.

Can I add to an existing investment?

Additions to fixed-term investments for the remaining period of the original investment are not usually accepted but may be considered under some circumstances. The interest rate will be the same as the interest rate for the original investment unless the rate has decreased. Your subsequent investment can be for any amount. You may add to “Savings” accounts at any time.

Can I have money invested for my children?
Yes. Money may be invested in the name of a child or grandchild or your name/s as trustee for the child. The child’s Tax File Number or date of birth should be provided if claiming an exemption as a minor.

What happens when my fixed-term investment reaches its maturity?
Approximately three to four weeks before your investment falls due, we will notify you in writing of the upcoming maturity and our current interest rates and terms and offer you the opportunity to reinvest with us.



Ready to invest in your future or have more questions?
Our team are ready and waiting.