Fixed Term Investment Rates

TermInterest PaidRate
31 DaysOn Maturity3.50%p.a.
3 MonthsMonthly/On Maturity4.25% p.a.
6 MonthsMonthly/Quarterly/On Maturity5.25% p.a.
9 MonthsMonthly/Quarterly/On Maturity5.25% p.a.
12 MonthsMonthly/Quarterly/On Maturity5.75% p.a.
24 MonthsMonthly/Quarterly/On Maturity5.50% p.a.
36 MonthsMonthly/Quarterly/On Maturity5.50% p.a.

Feature Accounts

AccountInterest PaidRate
GOLD Account – 9 Months^Monthly/Quarterly5.50% p.a
Cash Management Account^Half Yearly4.25% p.a.
SMSF 31 Day NoticeHalf Yearly5.00% p.a.
31 Day Saver Account*Half Yearly3.50% p.a.
iSaver AccountMonthly3.75% p.a.

Feature account conditions:

  • Gold Account – Minimum investment $50,000, 9-month fixed term, interest is paid monthly or quarterly when bank details are provided or quarterly as compounding interest.

  • Investment cannot be withdrawn; loss of rate applies.

  • iSaver Account – Withdrawals are permitted in May and November ONLY, no minimum deposit

  • ^ Minimum Investment $50,000, 31 Day Saver rate will apply to balances under $50,000

  • * Minimum of 31 days’ notice required for ALL withdrawals


Effective as at 14th November 2024

This is not a bank product it is an unlisted secured note. No independent assessment has been made about the risk to investors losing any of their principal investment. Applications for unlisted secured notes can only be made on the application form which accompanies the prospectus issued by W&D Finance. Please read the prospectus carefully before deciding whether to make an investment.